
Web Application Security: Perlindungan Canggih untuk Aplikasi Web Anda 22 August 2022 Blog

Web Application Security: Perlindungan Canggih untuk Aplikasi Web Anda

Terjadinya transisi ke ranah digital membuat bisnis modern mengandalkan berbagai jenis aplikasi berbasis web. Aplikasi berbasis web telah menjadi opsi untuk berbagai jenis bisnis di seluruh dunia untuk meraih audiens yang lebih luas dan meningkatkan penjualan mereka. Namun, terdapat risiko besar terhadap data dan hal penting lainnya ketika perusahaan meletakkan bisnis mereka ke web. Kerentanan pada aplikasi web menjadi favorit para peretas sehingga peretasan aplikasi web tergolong sering terjadi. Hal tersebut karena umumnya aplikasi web terbuka terhadap publik dan bisa menjadi batu loncatan untuk memperoleh data yang lebih berharga.

Aplikasi berbasis web terkadang memiliki akses terhadap data sensitive seperti data pelanggan perusahaan. Sehingga, peretas yang berhasil membobol aplikasi web berpotensi memperoleh aset berharga perusahaan. Serangan siber terhadap aplikasi web suatu perusahaan tidak hanya mengganggu kelangsungan operasional perusahaan tapi juga bisa mencoreng reputasi perusahaan. Walaupun kita menyadari betapa pentingnya keamanan digital, tetapi tidak banyak perusahaan yang menempatkan perhatian khusus terhadap keamanan aplikasi web. Entah karena keterbatasan pengetahuan terhadap pengamanannya atau dikarenakan masih lebih memprioritaskan kebutuhan bisnis.

Apa itu Web Application Security?

Umumnya, seorang developer dapat meminimalisir celah keamanan aplikasi web dengan cara memaksimalkan tugas-tugas QA. Memastikan aplikasi web lolos testing di unit test, functional test, UAT, blackbox dan whitebox testing. Sehingga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan-kemungkinan dari input dan behaviour diluar skenario. Namun, teknik penjahat siber semakin hari semakin massif dalam menjalankan aksinya. Dibutuhkan layer pertahanan khusus untuk menangkal serangan di level ini dan salah satu caranya adalah menerapkan web application security. Web application security yaitu sebagai sistem tindakan perlindungan dan protokol yang dapat melindungi situs web atau aplikasi web perusahaan dari peretasan atau dimasuki oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang. Dengan solusi ini, dapat memungkinkan untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap aplikasi web dengan mendeteksi, mencegah, dan menangani ancaman dunia maya seperti hacker.

Manfaat Penerapan Web Application Security

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, sudah semakin banyak perusahaan IT yang mengembangkan web application security. Solusi ini telah beradaptasi dengan teknologi baru yang lebih canggih sehingga mampu beradaptasi dengan kehadiran ancaman-ancaman baru. Dengan begitu, data Anda akan lebih aman dari para hacker di luar sana. Terdapat beberapa manfaat dari solusi ini yang perlu Anda ketahui. Sehingga bisa membantu dalam menjaga keamanan data penting yang perusahaan Anda miliki. Berikut diantaranya:

  1. Memberi perlindungan tangkas terhadap serangan aplikasi web dengan beberapa metode yang saling berhubungan untuk menemukan ancaman, seperti signatures web, IP reputation, antivirus, dan banyak lagi.
  2. Menghentikan ancaman aplikasi terbaru dengan pembaruan yang terjadi secara real-time.
  3. Dengan lisensi berbasis perangkat, biaya awal dan biaya berlanjutan akan lebih rendah.
  4. Menjaga keamanan tetap up-to-date dengan opsi push and pull untuk kecepatan pembaruan.

Dengan semakin tingginya resiko dan ancaman pada aplikasi web maka kesadaran kita akan bahaya ini sudah seharusnya diubah menjadi sebuah aksi. Siapapun yang akan memegang tanggung jawab atas web application security ini pada akhirnya akan membutuhkan kordinasi antara tim developer dan tim infrastruktur. Perusahaan juga sebaiknya memilih web application security yang memadai, agar dapat memantau kejadian pada aplikasi web secara real-time dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan apabila terdapat serangan siber.

Anda dapat mengimplementaikan web application security bersama Aplikasi Servis Pesona sebagai solusi menjaga aplikasi web perusahaan Anda dengan aman dari malware. Tidak hanya itu, alasan terpenting untuk memasang web application security adalah karena aplikasi web merupakan hal krusial bagi kesuksesan bisnis bagi suatu perusahaan. Yang berarti, cukup banyak bagian dari pendapatan perusahaan yang bergantung pada berjalannya aplikasi web. Bahkan boleh jadi operasi bisnis tidak bisa berlangsung tanpa ketersediaan aplikasi web di setiap waktu. Aplikas Servis Pesona yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari Phintraco Group, tentu memungkinkan Anda untuk memberikan keamanan dan perlindungan canggih atas aplikasi web Anda dari potensi ancaman.


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Tips for Maximizing the Performance of Managed Service Provider 12 August 2022 Blog

Tips for Maximizing the Performance of Managed Service Provider

Involving third parties to manage the company’s IT may be one of the most significant steps a company must take. However, the company will experience tremendous business development benefits. As a result of being able to concentrate on the growth of their core business, many businesses in various industries utilize third-party IT Managed Services providers. tips managed service

Entrust IT Concerns to IT Managed Services Providers

Utilizing Managed Services with third parties, businesses in various industries are able to organize IT-related strategic plans, simplify IT, and allow management to focus on the core business. IT Managed Service offers enterprises numerous benefits. Companies need not worry about whether their IT is protected or if they are using the most recent technology. The company will expand due to the management’s focus on developing the core business.

Guidelines for Collaborating with a Managed Service Provider

Collaborating with third parties to handle the company’s managed services will provide many benefits. However, the presence of a third party will result in management changes. Do not allow the company’s utilization of third-party managed services to fall below par. Here are some tips for maximizing your company’s use of third-party managed services: tips managed service

  1. Set goals

Before collaborating with a third-party managed service, make sure you’ve established a destination. This is essential to ensure that everyone, from management to third-party teams is aware of the appropriate service based on the company’s requirements. If your company has established goals and clearly understands what tasks are delegated to third parties, communication will be facilitated, and goals can be attained jointly. tips managed service

  1. Transparency

To effectively support IT environments, third-party Managed Services must thoroughly understand the company’s infrastructure. Third parties will be able to assist the company in optimizing its investments if they have a comprehensive understanding of how the company’s business operates and full visibility. Additionally, third parties can identify areas for developing and improving IT infrastructure. Providing third parties with complete access to a company’s IT systems will enable businesses to reduce future complexity. tips managed service

  1. Ask everything

A professional will not be hesitant to ask questions and share numerous details. Open two-way communication is one of the most important factors in collaborating with third parties. So that the company and third parties must always inquire about everything so that nothing is overlooked.

  1. Let the system work

Many uncontrollable events, such as power outages, weather disturbances, and other disturbances, can occur. The company must face the disruption with composure, as it is one of the Managed service’s responsibilities to handle the situation as quickly as possible. Through the system, third parties will identify any problems that occur. All IT tasks must be performed in accordance with the SLA (Service Level Agreement) and on a predetermined schedule. Certainly, third parties will facilitate company operations, correct?

That is how enterprises can maximize their utilization of IT Managed service providers. Ensure you choose a professional third party with a team of certified specialists. MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process Service (MBPS) is one of the divisions of Phintraco Group subsidiary MitraComm Ekasarana. MBPS has a team of experts licensed and fully supported by other Phintraco Group subsidiaries with more than 13 years of experience in a variety of business sectors. MBPS is prepared to provide a complete managed service that is available 24 hours a day.


Contact us at to get complete information about IT managed services.


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Different Types of Managed Services Provided by MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process Services 10 August 2022 Blog

Different Types of Managed Services Provided by MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process Services

IT managed services will aid enterprises in ensuring that their IT systems operate without interruption. By using the IT managed services, businesses can concentrate on their core business and reap a number of other benefits. IT environments are extremely expansive. Thus, MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process offers numerous managed services to enterprises. The following are the types of managed services provided by MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process:

1.      Managed Services

MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process (MBPS) provides companies with manpower through its managed services. Finding the company’s ideal workforce takes a lot of time and effort. Companies can utilize managed service providers to recruit the most qualified IT personnel. In addition to providing employees, MBPS will assist with employee training, ensuring that the company receives the most skilled workers in their respective fields.

2.      Full Managed Services

In addition to providing employees, MBPS also includes space rental, IT systems, and other services. This service is known as full managed services. The company’s requirements for IT managed services will be met in full. Therefore, ensure that you communicate all of your needs to the managed services provider so that the company can easily develop its core business.

3.      Partial Managed Services

The company’s IT requirements will vary depending on its line of business. You can use partial managed services if you only need IT system services or even just the provision of IT personnel. MBPS will meet your IT managed services requirements by your managed services requirements.

Determine the Type of IT Managed Service Depending on the Company’s Requirements

MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process (MBPS), one of mitraComm Ekasarana’s business units, provides the types of managed services described. With MBPS, your company can easily implement Managed Services, and MBPS will be available to assist based on your requirements. The expertise of the MBPS team is unquestionable, as they have served customers for over 14 years.

MitraComm Ekasarana, one of Phintraco Group’s subsidiaries, offers various services, including contact center outsourcing, biller aggregator, and business process outsourcing, among others.


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