
Difference between Inbound Call and Outbound Call 15 June 2022 Blog

Difference between Inbound Call and Outbound Call

In this digital era, being a customer is a pleasure, as the internet provides customers with various options for determining what they prefer. It also implies that competition in the business world is more intense than ever, as customers have more options to purchase products and services. Therefore, customer service is one of the essential components of a successful business. The customer satisfaction experience will increase their trust and loyalty to the business. Therefore, businesses need to understand the appropriate customer service strategies, including the use of inbound and outbound call services.

Inbound Call Service

Inbound calls are a type of customer service in which customers call the contact center to inquire about products or services, resolve issues, or lodge complaints. Each inbound call has a different number of calls, depending on the customer’s call. Inbound calls always provide solutions and assist customers with payment and booking activities. Inbound calls can also increase a business’s sales through interactions with customers.

Outbound Call Service

Outbound calls are a type of call service a company provides to its customers to achieve certain business objectives. Outbound calls aim to promote sales and acquire new customers, thereby enhancing customer service and business sales. Outbound calls are more proactive than inbound calls, as the marketing department handles customer service for outbound calls. Typically, these calls aim to follow up on service issues or inform customers of new products or policy changes.

Inbound Call vs Outbound Call

The definitions of the two distinct customer services result in differences between them. Beginning with the customer service process, the functions of the two services are described. The type of call can determine the difference between inbound and outbound customer service calls.

Inbound call services receive various types of incoming calls, which typically fall into the two categories described below:

  1. Customer Service

This service is provided when a client calls with a question, a problem, or to manage their account.

  1. Incoming Sales

Not infrequently, potential customers who call contact center agents are inquiring about products and services. If this occurs, the call is classified as “incoming sales,” and the contact center agent may seize the opportunity.

Meanwhile, outbound call services concentrate more on sales and outgoing calls. These calls typically fall into one of the two categories below:

  1. Cold Call: This call involves contacting potential customers who have never interacted with a business agent. This first interaction can end well but can end badly. It relies on the constancy of a business contact center agent to offer products and services.
  2. Warm Call: This follow-up call received a positive response previously. Warm call refers to contacting leads who have expressed interest in the business’s products or services. Because customers are already anticipating calls, these calls are typically well-received; consequently, the outcome has a greater likelihood.

That is the difference between inbound and outbound customer service calls. By understanding the differences between the two, your company can provide the appropriate customer service to contribute to your company’s success. MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of Phintraco Group with three business units, is available to enhance customer communication services. In addition, MitraComm Business Process Services (MBPS) offers Outbound Call service solutions as part of the Transactional Process Outsourcing service, which helps businesses create new customer opportunities that can increase sales of business products or services.

Contact us at for more detailed information about outbound call services solutions.


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Outbound Call Services Explanation and 3 Top Strategies 13 June 2022 Blog

Outbound Call Services Explanation and 3 Top Strategies

A business, regardless of size, must have customer service to serve its customers. In large enterprises, customer services are also referred to as contact centers because they serve as the hub of customer communication via all available channels. The maximum utilization of contact centers will result in a high sales potential. In addition, companies can use outbound call services to increase sales by reaching consumers. What exactly are outbound call services? Let’s discuss it in more detail.

Outbound Call Services

Generally, contact centers are used to handle incoming calls from the customer to the waiting agents. Outbound Call Services is a call service from contact center agents to customers on behalf of a business or company. Outbound calls generally focus on sales, lead generation, and telemarketing with potential customers. Existing customers can also be contacted via outbound calls for update services, database updates, credit billing, market research, or to request service feedback to improve service.

3 Top Outbound Call Service Strategies

From the customer’s perspective, outbound call services can sometimes be annoying. Even though outbound call services can be one of the best channels for quickly and precisely acquiring customers. Here are the top three strategies for ensuring that outbound call services run smoothly and benefit the company:

  1. Predictive dialing

This call system automatically dials outgoing calls, so the agent is only on the line when someone answers. These predictive calls will efficiently save time for agents. In addition, this technology allows contact centers to make a large number of outgoing calls in a short period of time.

  1. Speaking without a script

Potential customers are frequently irritated by unlisted phone numbers on their mobile devices. Therefore, contact center representatives must initiate phone conversations with intelligence to counteract this negative viewpoint. Allow your contact center agent to personalize the call so that customers are not irritated by this outbound call.

  1. One agent handles outbound and inbound

Agents in contact centers are renowned for their stressful work environments. In order to be able to handle this, it may be necessary to assign a contact center agent who can make both inbound and outbound calls, depending on the call volume. In addition, your contact center agent will be able to swap linguistic styles and reduce stress when interacting with various customers.

Utilize these strategies to create a successful outbound call strategy. You can also collaborate with MitraComm Ekasarana Business Process to Transactional Process Outsourcing and implement the most effective Outbound Call Services. Mitracomm Ekasarana Business Process (MBPS) is one of Mitracomm Ekasarana‘s business units. Mitracomm Ekasarana is a subsidiary of Phintraco Group. MBPS has served businesses for over 15 years, providing the best outsourcing contact center for businesses in various industries.


Contact us at to learn more about Mitracomm Ekasarana Business Process or MBPS Transactional Process Outsourcing.




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Teknologi Contact Center yang Dapat Tingkatkan Kinerja Agen 27 May 2022 Blog

Teknologi Contact Center yang Dapat Tingkatkan Kinerja Agen

Kemajuan teknologi telah mempengaruhi berbagai industri termasuk juga pada layanan contact center mereka. Saat ini, contact center mengandalkan berbagai dukungan teknologi untuk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan yang terus meningkat. Saat ini, agen contact center dapat memperluas cakupan dukungan, menciptakan pengalaman pelanggan di seluruh platform seperti email, pesan text, media sosial, dan e-commerce. Manajemen contact center yang sukses tidak dapat dipisahkan dari peranan teknologi. Lalu sebenarnya teknologi apa saja yang harus atau penting untuk dimiliki oleh sebuah layanan contact center?

Teknologi Contact Center

Tentu saja jawabannya tergantung pada kebutuhan perusahaan. Tergantung pada apa tujuannya, channel apa saja yang digunakan, serta lokasi dari contact center tersebut. Management contact center bisa saja hanya sederhana secara operational namun bisa juga jadi kompleks dan secara teknis sangat canggih. Ada banyak teknologi, sistem, tools, dan aplikasi canggih yang bisa diadaptasikan pada contact center. Tantangannya yaitu memilih teknologi yang tepat, mengimplementasikan dengan benar, lalu memaksimalkannya. Berikut adalah beberapa teknologi yang wajib di implementasikan pada contact center perusahaan saat ini:

1.      Unified communication

Teknologi unified communication akan memudahkan agen contact center untuk menghubungkan pakar dari subjek masalah yang mungkin berada di tempat lain dengan pelanggan secara cepat saat diperlukan. Kemudahan lainnya adalah kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesama karyawan melalui pesan teks, audio, video, dan menghadapi pelanggan atau proyek penting hanya dengan satu klik.

2.      Omnichannel

Pelanggan saat ini menuntut untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan agen contact center yang dapat di personalisasikan melalui banyak channel. Pada saat seperti inilah omnichannel communication sangat berguna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan perusahaan. Teknologi ini dapat mempertemukan pelanggan dengan standar penyampaian layanan yang mereka inginkan. Memungkinkan untuk memusatkan serta mengoptimalkan interaksi antara pelanggan dengan agen contact center.

3.      Workforce management

Workforce management digunakan untuk meramalkan jumlah panggilan atau jenis interaksi lain seperti e-mail dan chat. Teknologi ini bisa membantu manager contact center dalam mengatur berapa jumlah agen yang optimal supaya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan, dengan turut memperhitungkan waktu istirahat, training, rencana liburan, cuti, ataupun sakinya agen contact center perusahaan. Intinya, workforce management dapat digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah agen yang harus dipekerjakan secara otomatis agar bisa menangani semua pelanggan yang ada.

4.      Analytic Tools

Analytic tools yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja agen contact center  adalah speech analytics dan text analytics. Meningkatkan layanan panggilan pada contact center dapat dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis panggilan telefon menggunakan speech analytics. Speech analytics merupakan proses mendengarkan interaksi pelanggan untuk menganalisis dan menarik insight yang mungkin hilang atau terlewatkan dalam analisis manual.

Sedangkan, text analytics mengumpulkan insight dari informasi yang tidak terstruktur dalam dokumen berbasis teks dan interaksi di berbagai channel digital. Membuat agen contact center mampu menganalisis, membuat laporan, dan melakukan keputusan untuk setiap interaksi dari suara maupun teks.

Sebagai bagian dari upaya mendukung layanan pelanggan, saat ini hampir semua industri memiliki layanan contact center tersendiri. Implementasi teknologi pada contact center memungkinkan agen contact center perusahaan untuk mengambil informasi, memasukkan data, dan menyelesaikan tugas rumit lainnya dengan cara yang efisien, secara signifikan meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi perusahaan. Dengan begitu, perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan proses contact center mereka sambil meningkatkan operasi bisnis dan meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan. Phintraco Technology merupakan perusahaan penyedia IT Infrastruktur. Anak perusahaan Phintraco Group ini melayani berbagai macam solusi teknologi untuk contact center, di antarannya adalah keempat solusi teknologi diatas.

Hubungi kami di untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi mengenai teknologi yang wajib diimplementasikan pada contact center perusahaan.

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