
SMS Gateway: a Useful Solution for Your Business 22 November 2021 Blog

SMS Gateway: a Useful Solution for Your Business

Do you want to attract more customers to your business? You can use SMS Bulk to attract customers via SMS Marketing Campaign/ Promotion to visit your business store. SMS Bulk is easier to use because it is connected with an SMS gateway. What is an SMS gateway, how does it work, and how does it benefit your business? Let us find out in the following explanation.

What is SMS Gateway?

SMS gateway is a system that can send two-way messages over a cellular network. Messages will be automatically sent to customers without the need to write manually. An SMS gateway makes it easy for your company to connect with targeted customers and get conversions instantly. SMS gateway is the same thing as an API, but it is just a different name, which is a gateway.

How SMS Gateway Works

An SMS gateway sends SMS text messages to the cellular phone network via the SMPP interface, either directly or through an aggregator that sells messages to multiple cell phone networks. SMS gateway can be operated using a computer in several ways, such as:

  • Via REST API. The software developer will send and receive SMS messages via HTTP to the REST API.
  • Using Web Pages. When the customer enters personal information such as a cellphone number and name, an SMS message will automatically be sent.

Benefits of SMS Gateway for Your Business

In this digital transformation er, SMS is still used by some people. The reason is that SMS can send messages effectively, quickly and does not require the internet to reach the recipient. Therefore, an SMS gateway can help you carry out campaigns and other needs to facilitate your business processes. Here are the benefits that companies get when using an SMS gateway:

SMS Marketing Campaign/ Promotion

This type of SMS Marketing Campaign / Promotion is very suitable to spread the promotion your company is holding. Using the right call to action can increase lead conversion.


SMS LBA is a type of SMS Location-Based Advertising. This method of sending SMS utilizes information on the location of the target customer who is close to the BTS provider. This SMS is suitable for those of you who have a store in a particular area, so you can attract customers to visit your store via SMS if the target customer is around your location.

SMS Targeted

Targeted SMS is a promotion through SMS addressed to customers that the company’s target database profiling has determined by utilizing active cellular phones that can be reached on a city-wide scale.

SMS One Time Password (OTP)

SMS OTP is essential for your company to protect customer data. Two-way verification is needed to avoid data breaches. This verification can be done by using SMS OTP.

SMS Notification/ Alert

Proof of online transactions is sometimes not available immediately, or the request is complicated. However, by using SMS Notification/Alert, the process will be easier, and the proof of transaction will be saved.

Implement SMS Gateway with MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution

MitraComm MECS (Mitracomm Eksarana Channel Solution) is a technology solutions provider and system integrator company. It was established in 1999 as a subsidiary of the Phintraco Group. One of the solutions provided by MitraComm is the SMS Gateway solution.

With experience in serving more than 270 clients, MitraComm is ready to serve the SMS gateway based on your company’s needs. MitraComm has the best SMS gateway solution service because it directly connects to all telecommunication providers in Indonesia. The SMS gateway solutions offered by MitraComm include SMS Banking, SMS Tokens, SMS Transactions, Push & Pull SMS, SMS Broadcast/ Bulk SMS, SMS online transactions, and SMS Advertising (LBA, Profiling).

MitraComm is ready to serve your company by providing the best service with a team of qualified experts in the fields. MitraComm has served various industrial sectors, such as banking, insurance, FMCG, retail, startups, etc. MitraComm also provides a monitoring support service that operates 24/7 to ensure your company is always under the supervision of a team of experts.

Contact us at to find out more about SMS Gateway solution services.

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5 Right Steps to Optimize SMS Marketing Campaigns for Businesses 30 April 2021 Blog

5 Right Steps to Optimize SMS Marketing Campaigns for Businesses

All businesses need marketing strategy to boost their sales. In marketing, there are many ways to promote a brand, product, or services – both through digital platform or non-digital platform. However, in the world where everything comes with technology, running digital marketing is more interesting than the traditional one.

The examples of digital marketing strategy are placing your brand at TV ads, social media ads, and website. Surprisingly, when everyone thinks that social media is everything for placing a brand, there still another effective strategy with highest conversion. It is SMS marketing campaigns.

Why is SMS marketing campaign still effective amid social media advancements?

Among the rise of social media advancements, SMS is still relevant for today’s marketing strategy. How can it be possible?

SMS services for marketing strategy still have its own interesting advantages compared to social media platforms. For example, with SMS campaign, you can target the audience of your ads based on specific locations in real-time, make ads production processes faster, make your ads relevant for all customer groups, and the most important factor is it’s the most cost-effective strategy among other marketing strategies.

Similar to other marketing strategies, the key success factor to optimize SMS marketing campaigns is to implement the right steps to achieve its objectives. With the right steps, the result of SMS marketing campaigns can be optimized with simple ways.

5 Right Steps to Optimize SMS Marketing Campaigns for Businesses

1. Develop a concept and know your target audiences

The first step to optimize SMS Marketing campaigns is develop the concept of your SMS contents, define your theme and choice of words. Since it’s a short message, it means that you need to make the content as short as possible. In defining choice of words, you need to classify the profile of your target audiences based on their grouping – such as age, gender, job, interest, and their location to get higher conversions from your SMS campaigns.

2. Define the target of SMS campaign

When you intend to use SMS services as marketing strategy, you need to set the target of your campaigns – define what you want to achieve with this campaign. Is it for sales? Or just to grab more audiences and make your relationship with customers stronger than before? This step will help you measure the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.

3. Set the best time for your audiences to receive SMS

Another right step to optimize SMS marketing campaigns is set the best time to send SMS. This become powerful strategy to get the best feedback from your audiences. The time for sending SMS can also be adjusted based on the movement of each audience in particular location.

4. Always put call to action

Do not forget to always put call to action (CTA) in your SMS content. CTA is the most important thing for marketing strategy. In this case, do not put a link to website as your CTA, because it could be considered as a phishing attack. It would be better if you invite your audience to follow your social media or just put a contact person.

5. Make your analysis report after campaign period

The last but not least, the right steps to optimize SMS marketing campaigns is make your analysis report after campaign period by evaluating the audience’s feedback of your SMS campaign. In this stage, you will be able to see the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns. 

Implementing these 5 right steps to optimize SMS marketing campaigns for businesses will help companies to have effective strategy for business success. To optimize your SMS campaign plan, you can utilize the complete SMS gateway services from MitraComm Ekasarana.

MitraComm is an SMS gateway service provider that has direct connections to all telecommunications in Indonesia. MitraComm offers SMS gateway services including Bulk SMS, SMS Location Based Advertising (LBA), SMS Contextual Advertising, Targeted SMS, and SMS Interactive Services.

Heretofore, MitraComm has been trusted by hundreds of companies across industries in Indonesia to provide SMS gateway services.

To find further information about SMS gateway services for businesses, you can contact us at

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Jenis Layanan SMS Gateway yang Dapat Dimanfaatkan untuk Berbagai Keperluan Bisnis 27 November 2020 Blog

Jenis Layanan SMS Gateway yang Dapat Dimanfaatkan untuk Berbagai Keperluan Bisnis

SMS gateway merupakan sebuah sistem aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengirim dan atau menerima SMS. Layanan SMS gateway biasanya dimanfaatkan untuk bisnis, baik untuk keperluan promosi suatu produk atau jasa, pemberitahuan mengenai layanan bisnis kepada pelanggan atau calon pelanggan, dan saat ini juga dimanfaatkan untuk menjaga keamanan informasi dan data pelanggan.

Dengan memanfaatkan layanan SMS gateway, Anda dapat membangun engagement yang baik dengan pelanggan dan calon pelanggan, karena Anda selalu memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi pelanggan untuk mengingat perusahaan atau produk Anda, sehingga secara emosional akan menciptakan ikatan loyalitas yang tinggi. Memanfaatkan layanan SMS gateway juga dapat menjadi “service plus” bagi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan citra positif di mata pelanggan.

Sebagai salah satu SMS Gateway Services Provider di Indonesia, MitraComm Ekasarana menyediakan beragam jenis layanan SMS gateway yang masing-masing memiliki fitur dan manfaat tersendiri untuk berbagai keperluan bisnis suatu perusahaan. Apa saja layanan SMS gateway yang ditawarkan dan apa saja fungsi serta manfaatnya? Berikut penjelasannya:

1. SMS Bulk

Pertama, jenis layanan SMS gateway yang MitraComm tawarkan yaitu SMS Bulk. SMS bulk adalah layanan untuk mengirim pesan singkat dalam jumlah besar ke banyak penerima. Penggunaan SMS Bulk ini dapat menjangkau ribuan target audiens secara cepat. Media pengiriman untuk layanan SMS Bulk yang MitraComm tawarkan ada tiga macam, yaitu SMS Bulk, MMS Bulk, dan USSD Bulk.

SMS Bulk digunakan untuk mengirim jenis SMS berikut:

  • SMS One Time Password (OTP)
  • SMS Notifikasi atau Peringatan
  • SMS untuk Keperluan Promosi atau Kampanye Pemasaran

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai SMS Bulk dapat Anda baca di sini.

2. SMS Location Based Advertising (LBA)

Selanjutnya, solusi layanan SMS Gateway lainnya yang MitraComm tawarkan adalah SMS Location Based Advertising. SMS LBA adalah metode pengiriman pesan singkat dalam bentuk SMS yang dikirimkan kepada pengguna operator yang sedang berada di lokasi tertentu, dan pesan akan dikirimkan secara real-time. Metode pengiriman SMS ini dapat disesuaikan dengan lokasi spesifik targetnya, seperti pusat perbelanjaan, area kantor, lokasi pameran, perumahan, dan lain-lain.

3. SMS Contextual Advertising

Yang ketiga, MitraComm menawarkan layanan SMS Contextual Advertising. SMS Contextual advertising adalah metode pengiriman iklan secara langsung kepada pelanggan yang kontennya sudah disesuaikan dengan konteks atau kriteria dari website yang sedang dikunjungi.

Cara kerjanya sederhana, ketika pelanggan mengunjungi sebuah website, aktivitas tersebut akan diterjemahkan sebagai micro-moment yang dijadikan landasan oleh sistem untuk mengirimkan iklan dengan media SMS yang sesuai kepada pelanggan. Layanan SMS Contextual ini akan membuat pesan iklan yang ingin disampaikan menjadi lebih relevan kepada pelanggan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, sehingga diharapkan bisa menjadi media pemasaran yang sangat efektif bagi perusahaan.

4. SMS Targeted

SMS Targeted adalah layanan pengiriman SMS yang dapat disesuaikan kepada siapa SMS tersebut akan dikirimkan, berdasarkan persyaratan dan kriteria tertentu yang dapat ditentukan oleh client. Anda dapat menyaring calon pelanggan yang akan menerima SMS berdasarkan beberapa kriteria, seperti jenis kelamin, usia, lokasi tempat tinggal, jenis gadget yg digunakan, dan jumlah pemakaian pulsa pelanggan dalam satu bulan.  SMS akan dikirim jika memenuhi seluruh kriteria yang telah ditentukan.

Layanan SMS Targeted adalah solusi tepat untuk meningkatkan performa bisnis Anda, karena mengirimkan pesan iklan yang sesuai dengan profil pelanggan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas promosi secara maksimal yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan penjualan.

5. SMS Interactive Services

SMS Interactive Services adalah salah satu layanan SMS Gateway dari MitraComm yang dapat digunakan oleh client untuk memperkuat engagement dengan pelanggan. Melalui layanan ini, pengguna dapat memberikan pilihan balasan untuk iklan yang dikirimkan kepada pelanggan. SMS Interactive Services ini biasanya digunakan untuk program-program khusus seperti kuis, survei, appointment, dan lain-lain.

Dengan bekerja sama dengan SMS Gateway Services Provider, Anda dapat menjangkau pelanggan yang tepat di saat mereka membutuhkan Anda! Tertarik untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai layanan SMS Gateway yang ditawarkan MitraComm? Silahkan hubungi kami di

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