
Lindungi Privileged Account Dengan Privileged Access Management 04 April 2022 Blog

Lindungi Privileged Account Dengan Privileged Access Management

Kemajuan teknologi menghadirkan berbagai macam solusi teknologi. Salah satunya yaitu hadir berbagai macam solusi teknologi untuk meningkatkan keamanan siber dari keamanan data hingga keamanan identitas pengguna. Keamanan siber yang berlapis-lapis membuat keamanan siber perusahaan menjadi semakin kompleks. Beberapa perusahaan beranggapan bahwa untuk mengatasi serangan siber cukup dengan membangun tembok yang 100% aman. Namun hal tersebut tidak melindungi data sensitif yang ada di perusahaan. Data yang terkadang perusahaan lupakan untuk dilindungi yaitu privileged account.

Apa itu privileged account? Bagaimana cara melindungi privileged account? Mari simak pembahasannya.

Privileged Account: Account yang Dilupakan Perusahaan

Dikutip dari CyberArk diketahui bahwa 86 persen perusahaan besar tidak mengetahui permasalahan privileged accounts dan bahkan setengahnya membagikan password dari privileged accounts secara internal. Lalu sebenarnya, apa itu privileged account? Privileged account adalah user account yang memiliki lebih banyak akses daripada pengguna biasa. Privileged account atau akun yang memiliki hak istimewa ini terdapat di berbagai keperluan dalam perusahaan, contohnya seperti pada aplikasi yang dapat menginstall atau menghapus software, lalu pada perangkat IoT yang dapat meningkatkan sistem operasi, atau bahkan mengubah konfigurasi sistem atau aplikasi. Akses ke data sensitif yang tidak dapat diakses oleh pengguna biasa, juga bisa diakses dengan kun akses hak istimewa.

Akun akses hak istimewa menjadi suatu hal yang membuat perusahaan meraih kesuksesan karena dapat mengakses semua data sensitif. Namun, hal ini membuat akun akses hak istimewa menjadi lebih rentan dalam sistem IT perusahaan. Sebagian permasalahan privileged account yang menjadikannya lebih rentan dibanding sistem IT lain adalah karena akun tidak dihentikan ketika sudah tidak digunakan karena biasanya privileged account hanya dapat digunakan pada jangka waktu yang terbatas.

Lindungi Privileged Account Menggunakan Privileged Access Management

Permasalahan yang biasa terjadi pada kun akses hak istimewa disebabkan oleh pengelolaan akun yang tidak terkendali. Para tim IT kewalahan dengan melacak ribuan akun di sistem IT. Selain itu juga adanya integrasi yang merupakan bagian dari metodologi DevOps membatasi ruang lingkup keamanan IT. Permasalahan yang biasa terjadi dalam mengelola privileged account tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mengimplementasikan Privileged Access Management (PAM). Solusi PAM secara efektif membantu perusahaan dan keamanan IT mengelola semua akun akses hak istimewa yang ada. Berikut adalah manfaat dari implementasi solusi PAM untuk perusahaan:

  1. Kinerja operasional menjadi lebih efisien

Kompleksitas dan beban IT menjadi berkurang jika menggunakan solusi privileged access management. Hal itu akan membuat kinerja operasional menjadi lebih efisien dan meningkatkan perlindungan bisnis.

  1. Meningkatkan keamanan workforce yang terdistribusi

Menggunakan solusi PAM, dapat diaksesn pada perangkat apapun, di mana saja dan kapan pun.

  1. Mencegah ransomware

Privileged access management mampu mencegah lateral movement dengan tingkatk keberhasilan 100% melawan lebih dari 3 juta tipe ransomware.

  1. Meningkatkan keamanan DevOps dan Cloud

Solusi PAM juga mampu meningkatkan keamanan akses untuk machine identities pada DevOps pipeline.

Privileged account adalah hal yang terkadang perusahaan remehkan, padahal privileged account menjadi hal yang paling penting untuk dilindungi karena merupakan penghubung terhadap sistem IT dan akses ke data sensitif lain yang dimiliki perusahaan. Lindungi privileged account perusahaan Anda menggunakan priviliged access management. Anda dapat mengimplementasikan solusi privileged access management bersama Aplikas Servis Pesona, anak perusahaan Phintraco Group. Aplikas Servis Pesona sudah lebih dari 18 tahun melayani keamanan IT perusahaan di berbagai sektor industri.


Dapatkan informasi seputar Privileged Access Management dengan menghubungi kami via email ke




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Pentingnya Solusi Privileged Access Management untuk Menjaga Keamanan Data Perusahaan

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Bringing The Best Feature for Mobile App 18 March 2022 Blog

Bringing The Best Feature for Mobile App

How do mobile apps change the world? Before that, only global companies have their mobile apps. One of those companies is Banking which has mobile banking. With the integration of smartphones and technology into our daily lives, digitalization made e-commerce have mobile apps in making buying and selling transactions. Then, in recent years, the Pandemic makes almost industrial fields have mobile apps. Industries like manufacturing, travel and tourism, real estate, fashion, sport, entertainment, and hyperlocal marketplaces have major fiscal shocks.

Now, most of the service we need has their platform. In send items could now through the application. Besides that, UMKM already has its application to be more connected with customers. As we know, investing to make a mobile application is not cheap. The strategy must be planned carefully that the application development can improve revenue. If you want to build mobile apps for your business, make sure your mobile apps have the best features so that your customers are loyal to the products you sell, and it can improve the customers’ number. best feature mobile apps

Tips for Build Best Features for Mobile App

All of you start-up companies or even large companies entering into the digital world must know the best features for your mobile apps so that the investment made will help the company grow. The design of the created application should have exciting features for your customers. Customers like a different and easier experience. Here are the most compelling features of the best mobile apps :

  1. Simplicity

A simple application is a key to all existing applications. Simplicity gives your app a competitive advantage. A fluid app experience keeps users on their toes. If the application created is slow to load images and information, customers or users can quickly switch to another application. Don’t let it happen in your application.

  1. Fast loading time

Another main feature in a mobile application is fast loading time. This is what decides for you whether your users keep your app or even leave your app and delete the app. Applications should not take more than 2 seconds to load images or information. Customers don’t want to wait long to get the services they offer, especially if other apps are similar to yours.

  1. Integrate with Social Media

Social media is the main tool for communication and collaboration. Your business should see this opportunity and take advantage of it. The application’s ability to share content to other social media can make your application more known to many people and increase new users. The ease of logging in to applications using social media can also be one of the right features to make it easier for your customers to register for your application.

  1. In-App Payment System

Moreover, integration is one of the most valuable things for your business. Integrating Payment gateway solutions is very important to be available in the application. This will make the checkout process safer and faster. The payment system available in the application is also something that customers consider that your application is legit. The payment gateway in the application must also have a fast loading time, so you don’t lose customers.

  1. User testimonials

Testimonials become an important feature for the application. Users already using your app can give their opinion about the services you create. This will also help you get new users.

  1. Compatible with iOS and Android systems

Android and iOS are the most popular systems used by the community. It is best if an application can be installed on both systems to have more customer segmentation. The possibility that your application will succeed in the market is maximized. best feature mobile apps

Build Your Business Mobile App with Mitracomm Ekasarana

The best features that have been described can be easily prevented if you cooperate with Mitracomm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of the Phintraco Group. You can also add other features according to the company’s needs and problems. Mitracomm Ekasarana has three business units: Mitracomm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS), which serves mobile application development. System coding to API integration and platform availability for Android and iOS can be done with MECS. MECS has a team of experts and experience serving companies in various industries, one of which is in the financial industry. You can see the problems and challenges as well as the solutions presented here.


Visit our website at or contact us via email at to get complete information about the mobile application solution.

best feature mobile app

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Optimize Your Mobile Banking to Meet Millennial and Gen Z Expectations 16 March 2022 Blog

Optimize Your Mobile Banking to Meet Millennial and Gen Z Expectations

Data by the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2020 revealed that millennials and gen z cover about 53.81% of the total population of Indonesia. This number is more than half of the Indonesian, and it can show that these 2 generations have a significant role in every business process in Indonesia. These two generations have more or less changed the world and driven major transformations in consumer behavior, work ethics, and technological innovation. Besides, the increasing popularity of the internet has also attracted millennials and gen z to a simple and efficient service. Mobile banking is one of the service channels that has become a part of life for both of these generations.

Millennials and Gen Z: The Main Users of Mobile Banking

Race against time every day has become a habit for young generations. Millennial and generation z customers tend to find ways to save time wherever they can. Thus, companies must be able to meet the needs of these young customers who want to access their lives (in this case, their money) whenever and wherever they want, through mobile banking. Since millennials and gen z are heavily dependent on mobile banking, companies must be able to adapt better strategies to take advantage of this opportunity. They must optimize their product (mobile banking) to achieve young customers’ expectations. To achieve even greater satisfaction, companies must first broaden their understanding of how consumers perceive financial technology and exceed those expectations.

3 Key Factors to Boost Young Customers’ Satisfaction

By understanding the critical factors of customer satisfaction, banking companies have a significant opportunity to capture market share with millennials and gen z as the main targets. Some of the factors influencing the satisfaction and retention of these young customers on mobile banking are listed below.

1.      Availability

Mobile banking is gaining popularity because it offers time flexibility suitable for the younger generation. Companies must ensure that their mobile banking services can always be available around the clock, without time restrictions. System maintenance time must also be considered so that mobile banking does not experience downtime for too long.

2.      Security

Financial institutions are prioritizing security, including banks. Companies must implement extra security procedures for their mobile banking users. Use multi-factor authentication for mobile banking and online bank accounts if necessary.

3.      Features

Mobile banking is attractive to the younger generation because of its features. Simple features to access accounts and check transaction history are not enough. Add other valuable features, including personal financial advice content, savings features, or even virtual assistants, because they are suitable for the younger generation who likes to explore more.

Develop Optimal Mobile Banking With MECS

To meet the expectations and satisfy bank customers dominated by millennials and gen z, you must develop optimal mobile banking. Develop optimal mobile banking with Mitracomm Ekasarana through MECS. MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution, or MECS, is one of Mitracomm Ekasarana’s business units that provides the best services for companies. The mobile banking solution from MECS has various superior advantages for you to compete with other banks.


Entrust your mobile banking development to MECS, which has more than 20 years of experience implementing integrated services for well-known companies.


Find out more information about one of the solutions offered by MECS, called the mobile banking solution, by sending an email to




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