
Benefits of E-commerce Payment for UMKM Entrepreneurs 07 September 2022 Blog

Benefits of E-commerce Payment for UMKM Entrepreneurs

Does your company have an e-commerce website? If not, you should quickly decide to incorporate an e-commerce website into your online sales strategy. If so, your business will expand rapidly because it is accessible to many people. Now is the time to develop the ability of your e-commerce website to serve customers so that your customers will remain loyal to your products. In addition, you can add an e-commerce payment system to simplify the purchasing process for your customers.

The Benefits of E-Commerce Payment

Several payment systems, such as mobile payments or m-banking, credit cards, and other modern channels, are available online alongside the increasing use of the Internet for e-commerce. Online e-commerce payment systems offer numerous benefits for e-commerce websites. Here are the benefits of e-commerce payment:

  1. Faster Payment

Traditional payments are much slower than e-commerce payments. Internet-based payments have no time or location restrictions. As a result, your customers can make payments anytime and from any location. In addition, your customers can easily pay for your products or services by using the available electronic payment apps.

  1. Secure Payment

The security of the online payment system is provided by a pre-installed application from the bank’s service provider. Usually, mobile banking security systems include tokens, authentication, biometrics, and others. As a result, your customers don’t have to put in any personal information to pay on your e-commerce site, so the payment system is secured.

  1. Better Customer Experience

Ecommerce payments can help you deliver a better experience. This allows customers to select the payment method that best suits their preferences. As a result, customers will be loyal to your product if it meets their expectations.

  1. Contactless

During the Covid-19 pandemic still affecting Indonesia, many people are still attempting to avoid direct human contact to avoid contracting the corona virus. This makes the growth of online payments even more rapid. The presence of an e-commerce payment feature on your e-commerce website will make it easier for customers to make purchases without leaving their homes, as customers with mobile devices can make online payments.

Due to the integration of online payment systems, cash transactions are beginning to diminish due to the rapid development of technology. Entrepreneurs should begin to recognize the significance of online transactions to make it simpler for businesses to avoid the risk of failure. The presence of e-commerce payments on your sales website is the optimal solution for gaining an advantage over competitors and gaining customer loyalty.

You can collaborate with MitraComm Ekasarana to implement eCommerce payment processing into your e-commerce website. MitraComm Ekasarana, through one of its business units, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS), has experience presenting e-commerce payments for 288 e-commerce websites. MECS can offer your website’s e-commerce Mandiri Clickpay, ePay BRI, CIMB Clicks, Credit Card, and other payment options based on your business’s requirements.


Contact us at to present e-commerce payments by the requirements of your e-commerce website.


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Jenis Pembayaran untuk Website E-Commerce

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Types of Payment for E-commerce Websites 05 September 2022 Blog

Types of Payment for E-commerce Websites

Nowadays, a business needs to have its own sales website. This creates numerous benefits for your business. One of them is to increase customer loyalty. Customers will have access to your products via an e-commerce website as one of their options. In addition, multiple purchase channels will facilitate customer access to their preferred sites on the internet.

When you create a website online, also known as e-commerce, you should ensure that your website offers online payment options. Having the proper payment system is essential as it is one of the primary objectives of e-commerce.

The Right Types of Payment for E-commerce Websites

There are various payment methods available for use in e-commerce. To make your business more attractive to customers, you must determine which payment method best suits your business and which payment method your customers most frequently employ. Here are the types of payment for e-commerce websites:

  1. Credit Card

If your product is highly valued, you should present credit card payment as a payment option in your e-commerce. Credit cards (CC) are the optimal payment method because they are among the global payment options available. As a business owner, you can reach the international market.

Credit cards have become a simple and secure method of payment. Customers must only enter the card number, expiration date, and CVV. CVV aids in the detection of fraud by comparing customer information and CVV numbers.

  1. Mobile payments

Today’s digital payment solutions provide customers with prompt resolutions. Their bank’s app must be downloaded for customers to make mobile payments. The widespread use of e-commerce on mobile devices makes mobile payments the optimal solution for customers.

  1. Modern Channels

Currently, it is not only through banking that payment systems can be made. You can reach customers without credit cards or mobile payments via modern channels. Minimarkets, including Indomaret and Alfamart, accept payment for these contemporary channels. Your e-commerce platform will be able to accept payments from a variety of customers.

These are the payment methods you can implement on your e-commerce website. By implementing these payment methods, more customers can be reached. Your e-commerce website will attract many loyal customers because it accepts multiple payment methods.

You can collaborate with MitraComm Ekasarana via one of its business units, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS), to present various types of payments for your e-commerce website based on your business requirements. Biller aggregator is one of MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS) solutions. MECS has experience connecting more than 288 e-commerce sites with available payment systems, allowing it to provide your business with various payment options as required.


Contact us at for more detailed information about e-commerce payments according to your specific requirements.


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Jenis Pembayaran untuk Website E-Commerce

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Pentingnya keamanan Aplikasi Berbasis Web di Era Digital yang Semakin Kompleks 26 August 2022 Blog

Pentingnya keamanan Aplikasi Berbasis Web di Era Digital yang Semakin Kompleks

Di era digital ini, penggunaan teknologi web sudah menjadi suatu bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari bagi masyarakat luas. Para penyedia informasi digital berbasis teknologi web harus mampu memberikan layanan yang aman dan handal bagi pengguna agar bisnis dapat berjalan tanpa gangguan. Namun, keberadaan aplikasi yang memiliki tingkat keamanan rendah dapat membahayakan banyak hal penting. Misalnya, data finansial, layanan kesehatan, pertahanan, energi, dan data dari berbagai industri lainnya. Apalagi, saat ini infrastruktur digital semakin kompleks dan semakin terhubung, menjadikan aplikasi berbasis web rentan terhadap ancaman keamanan. Maka dari itu, keamanan seharusnya menjadi faktor terpenting yang harus diperhatikan oleh tim pengembang IT perusahaan.

Jenis Serangan Siber yang Paling Umum Terjadi Pada Aplikasi Web

Seiring meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi web, ancaman serangan siber juga makin banyak bermunculan. Untuk melindungi diri dari berbagai aksi kejahatan tersebut, Anda perlu tau jenis serangan siber yang paling umum dalam aplikasi web. Lantas apa saja jenis serangan siber yang paling umum terjadi pada aplikasi web. Berikut rangkumannya:

  1. Cross-site scripting (XSS)

Cross site scripting atau serangan XSS merupakan salah satu jenis serangan siber berbahaya bahkan pernah menyerang beberapa platform populer seperti Google, Facebook, dan Paypal. Jenis serangan ini mengeksploitasi kerentanan XSS untuk mencuri data, mengendalikan sesi pengguna, menjalankan kode jahat, atau digunakan sebagai bagian dari serangan phishing. Meskipun cross site scripting termasuk jenis serangan cyber berbahaya, namun sebagian besar korban tidak menyadari bahwa mereka sedang diserang penjahat siber.

  1. SQL injection

SQL injection adalah sebuah langkah injeksi kode terhadap celah keamanan database sebuah aplikasi web. Umumnya, penjahat siber menggunakan query SQL dengan tools tertentu untuk mengakses database. Injeksi kode yang dilakukan membuat penjahat siber dapat masuk tanpa proses otentikasi. Setelah berhasil, penjahat siber bebas untuk menambahkan, menghapus, serta mengubah data-data yang ada. Serangan SQL injection ini dapat menarget aplikasi web apapun yang menggunakan SQL database, seperti MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, dan sebagainya.

  1. Layer 7 Denial of Service

Untuk memahami Layer 7 Denial of Service terlebih dahulu Anda perlu mengerti apa layer 7 yang dimaksud. Layer 7 mengacu pada lapisan Aplikasi model Open System Interconnection atau OSI. Model OSI adalah penggunaan standar untuk komunikasi perangkat jaringan yang terdiri dari tujuh lapisan dengan layer 7 yang disebut sebagai lapisan aplikasi. Layer 7 adalah lapisan paling atas dan digunakan oleh berbagai aplikasi di server. Target serangan jenis ini bukanlah untuk melumpuhkan jaringan atau server secara total, namun untuk menyerang aplikasi yang memiliki kelemahan tertentu. Penjahat siber melakukan peretasan sesuai dengan celah yang sudah mereka deteksi sebelumnya.

Langkah Efektif Mengatasi Keamanan Aplikasi Web dari Serangan Siber

Tujuan peretasan terhadap aplikasi web perusahaan adalah untuk mendapatkan data-data sensitif. Data-data tersebut dapat mereka gunakan untuk melakukan penipuan, menjualnya ke pihak tidak sah, atau bahkan melakukan pemerasan. Melihat lanskap ancaman keamanan yang berkembang saat ini, perusahaan perlu untuk mengambil langkah pencegahan dengan memiliki aplikasi keamanan web yang berkelanjutan. Maka dari itu, untuk meningkatkan sistem keamanan perusahaan terhadap serangan siber, Aplikas Servis Pesona menawarkan solusi web application security. Sebagai anak perusahaan Phintraco Group yang bergerak di bidang IT security, Aplikas Service Pesona telah berpengalaman membantu organisasi dan perusahaan dari berbagai industri dalam menjaga keamanan dalam aplikasi web mereka. Dengan menggunakan web application security tidak hanya melindungi aplikasi berbasis web Anda namun dapat membantu tim Anda untuk mencapai keamanan yang lebih professional. Melalui penerapan web application security, suatu organisasi atau perusahaan akan mampu meningkatkan dan menjaga keamanan aplikasi web yang mereka gunakan sehingga risiko dapat diminimalisir secara efektif.

Hubungi kami di untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai solusi web application security.




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