
Elevating Customer Satisfaction Through the Contact Center 18 February 2022 Blog

Elevating Customer Satisfaction Through the Contact Center

The company’s reputation depends on customer satisfaction with the company’s services. Customers usually evaluate a company’s quality by comparing the services they get and what they want. The company’s job to understand the standards of customer expectations is only halfway through the actual effort to do. Other things that are also significant are meeting those expectations and passing the evaluation through the contact center as the company front line. This article will discuss the criteria for evaluating customer service and how companies can elevate customer satisfaction through the contact center.

Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Criteria

According to a study conducted by MIT Sloan, there are some criteria that customers take as an indicator of their satisfaction evaluation towards the services provided by the company through the contact center. Here are 3 of them:

1.    Reliability

When contacting the contact center, the customer expects the agent to provide the right and straightforward solution to the problem. In this process, customers will evaluate the ability of contact center agents to provide services and solutions consistently and accurately according to their needs.

2.    Responsiveness

Responsiveness evaluated by customers is the willingness and commitment shown by the contact center in helping customers. Besides this criterion, customers also expect contact center agents to provide services quickly.

3.    Empathy

Empathy has an important role in the relationship between a company and its customers. When a contact center agent can show genuine empathy for a customer, it will help reassure them that they have been heard and a solution will be provided immediately.


Use Business Process Services Solution to Elevating Customer Satisfaction

The company must provide qualified contact center agents who meet the criteria above and successfully pass the evaluation of customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, many companies find it challenging to find and employ qualified human resources. For this reason, companies need outsourcing services from a Business Process Services (BPS) service provider that also provides contact center agents outsourcing and various valuable training. Contact center outsourcing offers many benefits for companies; one of them is elevating customer satisfaction. Maximum results will also be obtained if BPS provider companies offer value-added services.


Trust MitraComm Business Process Services

Choosing a BPS service provider company is not easy. There are several things that must be considered to get a qualified and experienced company. MitraComm Ekasarana is a subsidiary of Phintraco Group that provides BPS services through one of its business units, MitraComm Business Process Services (MBPS). With approximately 15 years of experience, MBPS has collaborated with many corporate partners to provide various solutions and services related to BPS. Entrust your company to MBPS to elevate customer satisfaction and the company’s business processes efficiency, especially in the contact center.


Contact us through to get more comprehensive information about the Business Process Services provided by MitraComm Ekasarana.



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Tips to Improve Values in Contact Center 16 February 2022 Blog

Tips to Improve Values in Contact Center

A contact center is one of the divisions that directly interact with customers. Thus, contact center agents must represent the company’s values well to have loyal customers for the company. Besides, contact center agents must also have a uniqueness to become a remarkable selling point and beat the competitors through the contact center. So, how to have a unique selling point in the contact center? One of the powerful strategies is to improve values in the contact center.

Improve Values in the Contact Center

To elevate the customer experience, companies need to improve their contact center performance. Therefore, they can get loyal customers as the further results of the services provided. Below are some tips on how to improve values in the contact center.

  1. Communicate with customers regularly

The fact that a company needs to get more transactions and revenues sometimes makes the interaction between the contact center and customers only stuck on driving sales. Yet, your company should not focus on driving sales directly but also on building consistent customer communication. Communicating with customers to build their trust is important to increase value at the contact center. Make sure that customers are happy with the services offered by your company so they can stay loyal to your company.

  1. See from the customer point-of-view

Contact center agents have to handle thousands of customers every day. This responsibility makes some agents just want to get their job done without paying attention to the customer. Contact center agents are supposed to handle customer-reported problems from the customer’s point of view, not just the company’s templates. Doing this will make the customers feel valued, as the agent strives to meet their expectations and fulfill their needs.

  1. Offer complete information about new products

The contact center usually acts as a customer service to report product-related problems or even find out more information about offered products. Contact center agents also ensure that customers maximize the use of the products they purchase. To increase sales and attract customers to use your company’s products continuously, agents can offer or provide detailed information about new products to customers.

  1. Emphasize the goal to increase customer satisfaction

Building empathy when serving customers can improve the customer experience. When agents show their genuine willingness and emphasize the goal to serve customers well, it will increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, customers will be loyal, and the company will get more profits.

  1. Expand agent knowledge with value-added services

Providing customer service with qualified and knowledgeable agents through value-added takes a long and complicated process. However, it will have a long-term impact on the company. This process takes commitment and focuses on continuously adding better “value” to the various customer services provided. To do this, you will need to broaden your agent’s expertise and consider applying new techniques in the contact center division to help them thrive during changing market conditions.


Many companies use third parties as their contact center outsourcing. Make sure your contact center agents provider also has value-added services such as training programs to add more value to your contact center agents. MitraComm Business Process Services (MBPS), a business unit of MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of Phintraco Group, provides various value-added services for contact center agents. MBPS has certified trainers and experienced practitioners who will facilitate the motivational and soft skills training programs. Besides, MitraComm also provides advanced skills development through online training (E-Learning Center) and Premises.


Contact us through to find out more about value-added services from MBPS.




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3 Alasan Perusahaan Membutuhkan Contact Center Outsourcing 01 October 2021 Blog

3 Alasan Perusahaan Membutuhkan Contact Center Outsourcing

Perusahaan berkembang bersama pelanggan. Semakin banyak pelanggan, semakin besar pula tanggung jawab suatu perusahaan dalam hal memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal untuk seluruh pelanggan. Memenuhi ekspektasi pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting agar citra perusahaan baik dan perusahaan dapat terus berkembang. Berdasarkan hasil survey, diketahui bahwa pelanggan ingin masalahnya dapat cepat ditangani oleh agen contact center yang terampil.

Melihat situasi saat ini, umumnya perusahaan memiliki ratusan hingga ribuan agen contact center. Peningkatan kualitas ribuan agen contact center dapat memakan waktu. Pada saat seperti itu, perusahaan harus mengambil langkah strategis agar perusahaan dapat terus berkembang dan meningkatkan layanan untuk pelanggan. Menggunakan layanan contact center outsourcing merupakan salah satu langkah yang tepat untuk perusahaan. Apakah alasan lainnya yang membuat contact center outsourcing dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan? Berikut penjelasan lengkapnya mengenai alasan perusahaan membutuhkan contact center outsourcing.


Alasan Perusahaan Membutuhkan Contact Center Outsourcing

Contact center adalah penambahan sistem pada call center yang dapat mengotomatisasi dan meningkatkan interaksi pelanggan dari berbagai channel. Contact center menjadi lebih kompleks karena penerapannya tidak hanya menangani telepon. Saat melakukan telepon, agen contact center bisa melihat data historical pelanggan dengan bantuan teknologi yang didukung oleh penyedia jasa contact center outsourcing. Pada saat apa perusahaan membutuhkan contact center outsourcing? Berikut alasan perusahaan membutuhkan contact center outsourcing:

  1. Bisnis skala besar

Perusahaan yang berada pada industri ritel, perbankan, kesehatan atau asuransi memiliki banyak unit bisnis karena merupakan bisnis skala besar. Contact center outsourcing dapat membantu perusahaan melayani ribuan pelanggan dengan berbagai keluhan ke berbagai unit bisnis.

  1. Call Center menangani pelanggan terlalu banyak

Perusahaan skala besar menangani banyak pelanggan. Ketika keluhan pelanggan datang di saat bersamaan, call center akan kewalahan melayani pelanggan. Menggunakan solusi contact center outsourcing akan membantu menangani hal tersebut karena seluruh interaksi akan ditangani dengan agen yang berkualitas.

  1. Kesulitan memonitor performa customer service

Perusahaan skala besar akan fokus meningkatkan kinerja yang termasuk dalam proses bisnis utama, sehingga pelayanan pelanggan seringkali terlupakan. Contact center outsourcing membantu perusahaan meningkatkan performa customer service tanpa harus terlibat langsung dalam program pelatihan agen dan memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi dalam contact center.


Demikian adalah 3 alasan perusahaan membutuhkan contact center outsourcing. Informasi mengenai manfaat menggunakan contact center outsourcing dapat dilihat lebih lanjut di sini. Konsultasikan kebutuhan perusahaan Anda terkait contact center outsourcing bersama MitraComm Business Process Services.


Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai contact center outsourcing dapat ditanyakan langsung melalui



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