
Digital Engagement Builds a Relationship Between Business and Customer 03 October 2022 Blog

Digital Engagement Builds a Relationship Between Business and Customer

A company successfully builds positive relationships with its customers has accomplished something significant. This can be accomplished in various ways, one of which is by leveraging technology to increase engagement. Digital engagement is now regarded as the foundation for achieving customer engagement. As a result, your business will gain customer loyalty, which will increase sales opportunities.  For this reason, this article will cover digital engagement in greater detail.

Definition of Digital Engagement

Simply put, digital engagement is using technology to connect a business with customers or potential customers. In this case, technology is defined as a platform that enables customers to connect with brands and brands to connect with customers. Today’s technology is already integrated into our daily lifestyle.  Therefore, using it in businesses is beneficial as a method of engaging customers in content activities or internet platforms. Furthermore, positive engagement can lead to brand loyalty and increased business profits. In contrast, negative engagement can impact a company’s brand reputation. Overall, it can be said that digital engagement serves to build relationships with customers.

Strategies to Increase Your Business

Digital engagement is important for businesses because it can help manage customer expectations, improve the customer journey, and generate more marketing conversions. Customer engagement with a company’s digital media will keep them connected to the brand even after making a purchase. Furthermore, businesses can ensure they are completely satisfied with the products and services they receive. If you want to increase your business’s engagement, consider the following strategies.

  1. Set Your Business Goals

The first step is to set your business goals. Business goals influence not only the type of social media platform used but also the type of content, target audience, and others.

  1. Determine Your Digital Channel

The next step is to determine the digital channels that your target audience may be using. This step assists you in maintaining contact with your audience. First, choose the digital channel that they use the most.

  1. Use a Customer Relationship Management Platform

A customer relationship management platform, also known as a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), is a digital platform that allows you to store and access critical customer data securely. The CRM will generate a datasheet with customer information like purchase history, contact preferences, and even interactions with your brand. CRM allows you to personalize customer service while learning how your strategy affects the customer experience.

So that’s an explanation of digital engagement and how to increase it in your business. It is important to your business’s success. Partnering with companies that can help you implement the solution well is a key role that can help businesses maximize engagement. MitraComm Ekasarana is a trusted partner in digital engagement through its business unit, MitraComm Business Process Service or MBPS. As a subsidiary of Phintraco Group, MitraComm Ekasarana has an innovative and seasoned team in its field, allowing the digital engagement solutions offered to be truly tailored to your business’s needs.


For more information about digital engagement, please contact us at


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Phintraco Group Berpartisipasi dalam Ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022 22 September 2022 Events

Phintraco Group Berpartisipasi dalam Ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022

Phintraco Group berpartisipasi dalam ajang tahunan The Best Contact Center Indonesia yang diadakan oleh Indonesia Contact Center Association (ICCA). Setiap tahunnya, Phintraco Group hadir di acara tersebut bersama dengan dua anak perusahaannya yaitu MitraComm Ekasarana dan Phintraco Technology sebagai salah satu sponsor serta ikut memeriahkan rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center Indonesia. Tahun ini, tema The Best Contact Center Indonesia yaitu Recover Together Recover Stronger yang sama dengan tema G20. Tema ini berharap Contact Center Indonesia terus bertumbuh dan mempertahankan pelayananan serta sama-sama kuat dalam melayani pelanggan.

Rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center Indonesia (TBCCI)  salah satunya yaitu kompetisi contact center yang terbagi menjadi 3 kategori yaitu individual, teamwork, dan corporate yang memiliki 64 sub kategori dan diikuti oleh kurang lebih 50 perusahaan dari berbagai sektor industri, baik itu pemerintahan maupun swasta. Perlombaan contact center dilakukan secara virtual mulai dari bulan Agustus 2022. Mitracomm Ekasarana mewakili Phintraco Group, turut berpartisipasi sebagai salah satu juri individual dalam kompetisi tersebut.

Rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center selanjutnya yaitu Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference. Tahun ini merupakan tahun pertama acara Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference  dilakukan secara tatap muka setelah 2 tahun sempat dilakukan secara virtual karena adanya pandemi. Bertempat di Birawa Assembly Hall, Jakarta, Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference dimeriahkan oleh 16 pembicara yang membagikan topik mengenai teknologi dan solusi contact center. Mewakili Phintraco Group, Hendrik Kusuma selaku Senior Product Manager dari Phintraco Technology menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam sesi Forum Group Discussion yang bertemakan Digital Transformation.

phintraco icca

Hendrik Kusuma, Senior Product Managet dari Phintraco Technology menjadi pembicara dalam sesi Forum Group Discussion TBCCI 2022 ICCA

Sebagai perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan BPO di Indonesia, MitraComm Ekasarana sangat memahami kondisi dan tantangan yang di hadapi dalam industri contact center. MitraComm Ekasarana terus bertumbuh dalam memberikan solusi dan layanan terbaik untuk contact center. Memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan menjadi salah satu tujuan utama MitraComm dengan menghadirkan perkembangan teknologi dan memperluas pengetahuan seputar permasalahan yang terjadi pada pelanggan dan juga agen serta karyawannya.

Sebagai perusahaan penyedia solusi teknologi contact center, Phintraco Technology dan MitraComm Ekasarana berharap dengan adanya kontribusi perusahaan dalam ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022 akan memberikan ideo dan inovasi baru dengan adanya teknologi berbasis digital agar dapat membantu bisnis dan meningkatkan customer experience.

MitraComm Ekasarana dan Phintraco Technology siap meningkatkan sistem contact center perusahaan denan teknologi terkini untuk memudahkan bisnis Anda dan tentunya meningkatkan customer experience.


Hubungi kami di untuk informasi lengkap mengenai kebutuhan contact center yang perusahaan Anda butuhkan.


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Strategi Total Experience: Menyediakan Pengalaman Pelanggan yang Maksimal


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Why Having Your Own E-commerce Website Is Important 09 September 2022 Blog

Why Having Your Own E-commerce Website Is Important

In the past four years, the expansion of e-commerce has increased significantly. The growth of e-commerce has increased from 2.3 trillion in 2017 to 4.88 trillion in 2021. There is an opportunity for your company if you have your own sales website, even though well-known brands dominate the majority. The presence of an e-commerce website for your product or service will diversify your distribution channels.

5 Important Reasons Why Sellers Need Their Own E-commerce Website

Sellers and brand owners need to provide a variety of sales channels. This is done to avoid regulations that may impact sellers in the available marketplaces. In addition, there are a great number of additional reasons why sellers and brand owners should have their own e-commerce websites. These are the reasons why:

  1. Strengthening Brand Value

When you sell a product or service on a marketplace platform, you will have limited control over the appearance and visibility of your brand. This is because the marketplace platform has a limited number of templates that can be modified based on youryour value. On the other hand, if you have your own e-commerce website, you can freely adjust the appearance of your website to reflect the value of your product or service.

  1. Providing a Wide Variety of Channels (omnichannel)

Having a variety of sales types will make it easier for your customers to select a preferred sales platform. This can also reduce risks when third-party channels or marketplaces experience issues or don’t run campaigns that benefit your product. When such situations occur, you can increase sales on your e-commerce website.

  1. Increasing Customer Loyalty

You have more opportunities to generate repeat purchases when you sell your products or services through your own e-commerce website. This is because your e-commerce website provides you with customer information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, that you can use to communicate with customers. Therefore, you can build a closer relationship by sending emails and chats to learn about the most recent discount offers. As a result, customers will feel more connected to you, and their loyalty will increase.

  1. Improving Search Engine Visibility (Google)

Having your own e-commerce website will enable you to use the various digital marketing channels available. This is impossible if you only sell your products on a marketplace platform. Google will directly crawl your website, allowing you to employ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) techniques. In addition, you can promote your products through various digital channels, such as blogs, videos, and social media. All of these activities have the potential to generate substantial sales revenue over time.

  1. Creating Cross-marketing Opportunities

Collaboration is the most important aspect of any business. If you have an e-commerce website, this will be easier. Cross-promotional marketing involves collaborating with other brands or products to increase sales. If you use other marketplace or third-party platforms, these promotional opportunities will not work optimally.

That is why sellers or brand owners need to have their own e-commerce websites. Ensure that, when you have your own e-commerce website, your customers have access to the appropriate e-commerce payment system. You can implement e-commerce payment through MitraComm Ekasarana’s business unit, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS). With over 288 e-commerce websites developed in collaboration with MECS, the MECS team’s expertise is beyond question.


Contact us at for complete and accurate information regarding e-commerce payment methods for your e-commerce website.


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