
Tren Contact Center di Tahun 2023 09 January 2023 Blog

Tren Contact Center di Tahun 2023

Tren contact center di tahun 2023 akan berfokus pada efisiensi biaya yang dikeluarkan sekaligus meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan lebih baik. Perusahaan mulai mengkombinasikan model contact center tradisional dengan teknologi dalam rangka mencapai hal tersebut. Melalui inovasi teknologi, perusahaan memastikan stabilitas operasional jangka panjang di tengah tingginya kebutuhan pelanggan terhadap contact center.

Apa Saja Tren Contact Center di Tahun 2023?

Ekspektasi Terhadap Contact Center Telah Berubah

Perkembangan teknologi di seluruh channel digital membuat pelanggan memiliki banyak ekspektasi yang diinginkan dari contact center. Pelanggan tidak hanya menginginkan contact center menjangkau mereka pada channel paling sering digunakan tetapi juga mengharapkan respon cepat, interaksi yang dipersonalisasi, konsistensi, dan akses contact center kapanpun mereka membutuhkan.

Tren Contact Center di Tahun 2023

Distribusi Operasional

Transformasi digital mengalami peningkatan yang begitu signifikan selama pandemi. Peningkatan tersebut menyebabkan contact center menghadapi permasalahan kekurangan agent, operasional, dan tingginya permintaan dari pelanggan yang harus direspon. Menanggapi fenomena ini, banyak perusahaan mendistribusikan operasional dan infrastruktur di berbagai lokasi supaya mengurangi beban kerja pada operasional terpusat.

Digitalisasi Menjadi Prioritas

Teknologi digital seputar otomatisasi, machine learning, messaging, dan sistem berbasis cloud telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi perusahaan. Perusahaan yang sering berinteraksi dengan pelanggan menyadari pentingnya kemampuan bisnis menyediakan solusi permasalahan konsumen dalam waktu singkat. Teknologi contact center yang mampu menganalisa sentimen pelanggan dan memberikan saran secara real-time memungkinkan agent memberikan respon cepat tanpa menghilangkan aspek empati.

Implementasi Teknologi Self-service

Implementasi teknologi self-service memberikan perusahaan kapasitas pelayanan lebih banyak dengan unit kerja yang sama. Perluasan kapasitas ini menyediakan informasi yang relevan bagi pelanggan tanpa harus memaksa semua orang masuk di channel sama untuk berinteraksi langsung bersama agent.

Membuat Metode Baru Dalam Melatih Agent

Melatih agent contact center adalah bagian penting dari memberikan customer experience yang optimal. Perusahaan dituntut untuk memikirkan kembali metode pelatihan yang tepat pada masa dimana agent mungkin bekerja secara remote ataupun di lokasi kantor langsung.

Penuhi Ekspektasi Konsumen Bersama Mitracomm Ekasarana

Perusahaan dapat memenuhi berbagai tren contact center bersama dengan MitraComm Ekasarana,   salah satu anak perusahaan Phintraco Group yang telah melayani bisnis di berbagai sektor industri selama lebih dari 15 tahun. Pengalaman ini memungkinkan solusi contact outsourcing kami mampu mengidentifikasi keinginan dan hal yang diperhatikan pelanggan sekarang sehingga membantu bisnis anda dalam memberikan pengalaman pelanggan secara optimal.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut seputar contact center, hubungi kami melalui email


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e-Meterai: Digital Stamps for Your Electronic Documents 01 November 2022 Blog

e-Meterai: Digital Stamps for Your Electronic Documents

As technology advanced, physical documents began to be abandoned and replaced with electronic documents. The availability of technology encourages the reduction of paper usage in daily life, including in the business world. Even today’s business documents are predominantly stored electronically. To increase the security assurance of electronic documents, physical stamps have been replaced with digital stamps or e-Meterai. To learn more about what a digital stamp or e-Meterai is, how it works, and who can use e-Meterai in relation to electronic document management, see the following article.

What is e-Meterai?

Before the development of digital stamps, paper stamps were commonly used to affix to important documents. As technology advances, a digital stamp will be followed by e-Meterai. What is e-Meterai then? e-Meterai, also known as digital stamps, are a type of stamp in digital format. E-Meterai is primarily a digital system but also contains security elements issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. State-owned banks have utilized E-Materai, but e-Meterai is now used in various electronic documents.

e-Meterai Function

Like paper stamps, e-Meterai primarily serves as a tool for validating the authenticity of important documents. This type of stamp can be applied to an electronic document using a digital system. This digital system automates the transformation of e-Meterai into digital documents. This stamp serves the same purpose as paper stamps, used as evidence of the imposition of taxes on specific documents. In addition, e-Meterai-enabled electronic documents will have the same credibility as physical documents.

Users of e-Meterai include:

So, who can use the e-Meterai? Here we review anyone who can use e-Meterai by usage category.

  1. Personal

Personal use refers to the general public, which includes individuals of all ages. For instance, e-Meterai is used when creating securities such as letters of agreement, statements of accounts receivable between individuals, job application letters, and other letters that require the affixing of e-Meterai.

  1. Enterprise

Enterprise is a category of e-Meterai users that refers to companies that employ e-Meterai services for internal business purposes. e-Meterai is utilized in internal company activities such as debt receivables, legally binding letters, auction and tender documents, and letters of cooperation agreements between agencies.

  1. Wholesale

Wholesale is a division that purchases e-Meterai in bulk from authorized distributors and resells them to end users. Therefore, this category can be considered a third party in purchasing e-Meterai before they reach the end user.

  1. WAPU (Wajib Pungut)

WAPU (Wajib Pungut) refers to a business entity designated by the Minister of Finance as a collector of Value Added Tax (VAT). This agency must make deposits and report taxes on BKP/JKP (Barang/Jasa Kena Pajak) collected to PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak). The mechanism is implemented to improve taxpayer compliance, increase state revenue, and strengthen tax administration.

This concludes the required information regarding e-definition, Meterai’s functions, and users. Minimizing the risk associated with ensuring the security of documents is unquestionably crucial to your business operations. Additionally, to maximize cost-effectiveness, it is necessary to reduce the use of paper documents. It is hoped that e-Meterai will be able to accommodate the needs of business development in this digital era. However, you must also ensure that the e-Meterai you utilize is authentic and comes from an authorized distributor. This is due to the prevalence of counterfeit e-Meterai sold in the virtual universe. Following this, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS), one of the business units of MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of Phitraco Group, has been appointed the official distributor of e-Meterai in Indonesia.


Contact us at for additional information about e-Meterai.


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Why Having Your Own E-commerce Website Is Important 09 September 2022 Blog

Why Having Your Own E-commerce Website Is Important

In the past four years, the expansion of e-commerce has increased significantly. The growth of e-commerce has increased from 2.3 trillion in 2017 to 4.88 trillion in 2021. There is an opportunity for your company if you have your own sales website, even though well-known brands dominate the majority. The presence of an e-commerce website for your product or service will diversify your distribution channels.

5 Important Reasons Why Sellers Need Their Own E-commerce Website

Sellers and brand owners need to provide a variety of sales channels. This is done to avoid regulations that may impact sellers in the available marketplaces. In addition, there are a great number of additional reasons why sellers and brand owners should have their own e-commerce websites. These are the reasons why:

  1. Strengthening Brand Value

When you sell a product or service on a marketplace platform, you will have limited control over the appearance and visibility of your brand. This is because the marketplace platform has a limited number of templates that can be modified based on youryour value. On the other hand, if you have your own e-commerce website, you can freely adjust the appearance of your website to reflect the value of your product or service.

  1. Providing a Wide Variety of Channels (omnichannel)

Having a variety of sales types will make it easier for your customers to select a preferred sales platform. This can also reduce risks when third-party channels or marketplaces experience issues or don’t run campaigns that benefit your product. When such situations occur, you can increase sales on your e-commerce website.

  1. Increasing Customer Loyalty

You have more opportunities to generate repeat purchases when you sell your products or services through your own e-commerce website. This is because your e-commerce website provides you with customer information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, that you can use to communicate with customers. Therefore, you can build a closer relationship by sending emails and chats to learn about the most recent discount offers. As a result, customers will feel more connected to you, and their loyalty will increase.

  1. Improving Search Engine Visibility (Google)

Having your own e-commerce website will enable you to use the various digital marketing channels available. This is impossible if you only sell your products on a marketplace platform. Google will directly crawl your website, allowing you to employ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) techniques. In addition, you can promote your products through various digital channels, such as blogs, videos, and social media. All of these activities have the potential to generate substantial sales revenue over time.

  1. Creating Cross-marketing Opportunities

Collaboration is the most important aspect of any business. If you have an e-commerce website, this will be easier. Cross-promotional marketing involves collaborating with other brands or products to increase sales. If you use other marketplace or third-party platforms, these promotional opportunities will not work optimally.

That is why sellers or brand owners need to have their own e-commerce websites. Ensure that, when you have your own e-commerce website, your customers have access to the appropriate e-commerce payment system. You can implement e-commerce payment through MitraComm Ekasarana’s business unit, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution (MECS). With over 288 e-commerce websites developed in collaboration with MECS, the MECS team’s expertise is beyond question.


Contact us at for complete and accurate information regarding e-commerce payment methods for your e-commerce website.


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Manfaat Ecommerce Payment Untuk Pengusaha UMKM

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