
Improving Bank Contact Center Service Quality 01 December 2022 Blog

Improving Bank Contact Center Service Quality

The quality of bank contact centers has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Every aspect of the banking industry is being altered gradually by the accelerating digital transformation. As a result, banks must produce innovative solutions to ensure that customers receive the best possible service.


The Importance of Contact Center in Banking Services

The customer’s experience with the contact center affects their overall satisfaction with the used banking services. The reason for this is that contact centers are the most common channel utilized by customers in critical situations such as:

  • Report a lost or stolen card
  • Unauthorized transactions
  • Making a complaint

Implementing Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

In essence, a contact center is a customer service center. It requires a large number of agents to address the diverse needs and complaints of customers. Banks may use chat boxes and digital assistants to answer simple inquiries. This makes it easier for agents to serve customers with the appropriate strategy, enhancing agent performance.

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence

Managing all customer interactions across multiple channels at the same is one of the greatest obstacles banks faces. Real-time management of many customer requests or complaints can be accomplished with minimal complexity using artificial intelligence. In addition, artificial intelligence can collect basic information, making it easier for customer service agents to handle each case.

Using Contact Center Outsourcing

To provide a genuine contact center experience, banks must train their customer service representatives to understand better and resolve their customers’ problems. Outsourcing the contact center enables the bank to hire customer service specialists with prior experience. The company that provides the outsourced contact center devotes sufficient effort, time, and resources to enhance the agent’s ability to provide optimal customer service.

Optimize Bank Contact Center Performance with MitraComm

MitraComm Ekasarana offers the best information technology solutions for contact center operations. Powered by the Phintraco Group, our solutions enhance the contact center’s scalability, efficiency, and flexibility.


Visit to learn more about the various solutions offered by MitraComm. You can also contact us via


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Meet Customer Expectations to Increase Business Sales 05 October 2022 Blog

Meet Customer Expectations to Increase Business Sales

A company’s success is determined by its customers’ satisfaction with its products or services. Some business owners believe that their customers’ expectations match what they have to offer. However, it is not for some business owners who continue building relationships with customers to break down their business silos. As a business owner, you must take the time to understand what your customers truly require. Following that, you must tailor their requirements to your product, service, and customer support team.

Meeting Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are not predictions of what the provider of goods and services will provide but will arise when customers require goods and services. Simply put, customer expectations are what customers believe providers of goods and services should provide. Businesses must ensure that every customer’s expectation about a product or service can be met to meet customer expectations. Businesses must believe that the ultimate goal of starting a business is to meet customers’ expectations. Therefore, a brand or business must constantly make its customers happy and satisfied with the product. This will assist in increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers, retaining customer loyalty, and significantly increasing sales.

How Digital Engagement Can Help You Meet Customer Expectations

Customer expectations have risen, while businesses have been slow to respond. What happens if the company is late meeting customers’ new expectations? Customers will almost certainly abandon them in favor of competitors. Customer expectations have been increasing for a long time, but never as quickly as they are now. With the help of technology, some businesses have successfully responded to these expectations. Not only to develop innovative products but also to meet customers’ expectations. This is where digital engagement can come into play. A digital marketing strategy for each digital channel used to reach customers is part of digital engagement. Here’s an explanation of how digital engagement can help meet your customers’ expectations.

  1. Improving the customer experience

It is essential to ensure that prospective customers have a positive experience with your business. A better digital engagement will undoubtedly provide a better customer experience. In addition, you can view your customers’ transaction history and sell new products based on previous purchases. The goal of digital engagement is to increase customer satisfaction by aligning with their expectations.

  1. Turn data into actionable insights.

People generally want to see what they expect to see, and what they expect to see is usually based on past habits and experiences. Digital engagement with a good system can generate a large amount of customer data to be analyzed so that your employees can provide the best service. Customer behavior research and analysis can provide all of the information needed to make the best decisions when dealing with customers.

  1. Personalized customer communications

Every day, customers can see a variety of brands and offers. In their minds, they will undoubtedly seek out the most visible brand. Personalized and relevant communication is one way to attract customers. When you reach out to prospective customers by greeting them by name or offering rewards tailored to their preferences, they will feel more connected to your brand or business. Furthermore, you should be relevant by reaching them at the appropriate time, place, and channel. Of course, none of this is possible without accurate data. Implementing digital engagement can provide detailed information about customers, allowing you to meet their expectations more effectively.

In this dynamic environment, customers’ brand expectations continue to rise. Businesses can better prepare to meet rising customer expectations if they understand what their customers want. Based on the explanation above, digital engagement is important for successfully meeting customer expectations. MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of the Phintraco Group, is ready to assist you with implementing digital engagement through its business unit, MitraComm Business Process Service or MBPS. Later, businesses will be able to determine the perception of their products or services using this digital engagement solution so that businesses can learn what customers expect from similar products or services. You can also learn how customers perceive your business competitors and assess the effectiveness of their strategies.


Send an email to for more explanation about digital engagement.


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Phintraco Group Berpartisipasi dalam Ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022 22 September 2022 Events

Phintraco Group Berpartisipasi dalam Ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022

Phintraco Group berpartisipasi dalam ajang tahunan The Best Contact Center Indonesia yang diadakan oleh Indonesia Contact Center Association (ICCA). Setiap tahunnya, Phintraco Group hadir di acara tersebut bersama dengan dua anak perusahaannya yaitu MitraComm Ekasarana dan Phintraco Technology sebagai salah satu sponsor serta ikut memeriahkan rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center Indonesia. Tahun ini, tema The Best Contact Center Indonesia yaitu Recover Together Recover Stronger yang sama dengan tema G20. Tema ini berharap Contact Center Indonesia terus bertumbuh dan mempertahankan pelayananan serta sama-sama kuat dalam melayani pelanggan.

Rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center Indonesia (TBCCI)  salah satunya yaitu kompetisi contact center yang terbagi menjadi 3 kategori yaitu individual, teamwork, dan corporate yang memiliki 64 sub kategori dan diikuti oleh kurang lebih 50 perusahaan dari berbagai sektor industri, baik itu pemerintahan maupun swasta. Perlombaan contact center dilakukan secara virtual mulai dari bulan Agustus 2022. Mitracomm Ekasarana mewakili Phintraco Group, turut berpartisipasi sebagai salah satu juri individual dalam kompetisi tersebut.

Rangkaian acara The Best Contact Center selanjutnya yaitu Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference. Tahun ini merupakan tahun pertama acara Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference  dilakukan secara tatap muka setelah 2 tahun sempat dilakukan secara virtual karena adanya pandemi. Bertempat di Birawa Assembly Hall, Jakarta, Contact Center Digital Exhibition & Conference dimeriahkan oleh 16 pembicara yang membagikan topik mengenai teknologi dan solusi contact center. Mewakili Phintraco Group, Hendrik Kusuma selaku Senior Product Manager dari Phintraco Technology menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam sesi Forum Group Discussion yang bertemakan Digital Transformation.

phintraco icca

Hendrik Kusuma, Senior Product Managet dari Phintraco Technology menjadi pembicara dalam sesi Forum Group Discussion TBCCI 2022 ICCA

Sebagai perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan BPO di Indonesia, MitraComm Ekasarana sangat memahami kondisi dan tantangan yang di hadapi dalam industri contact center. MitraComm Ekasarana terus bertumbuh dalam memberikan solusi dan layanan terbaik untuk contact center. Memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan menjadi salah satu tujuan utama MitraComm dengan menghadirkan perkembangan teknologi dan memperluas pengetahuan seputar permasalahan yang terjadi pada pelanggan dan juga agen serta karyawannya.

Sebagai perusahaan penyedia solusi teknologi contact center, Phintraco Technology dan MitraComm Ekasarana berharap dengan adanya kontribusi perusahaan dalam ajang The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2022 akan memberikan ideo dan inovasi baru dengan adanya teknologi berbasis digital agar dapat membantu bisnis dan meningkatkan customer experience.

MitraComm Ekasarana dan Phintraco Technology siap meningkatkan sistem contact center perusahaan denan teknologi terkini untuk memudahkan bisnis Anda dan tentunya meningkatkan customer experience.


Hubungi kami di untuk informasi lengkap mengenai kebutuhan contact center yang perusahaan Anda butuhkan.


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Strategi Total Experience: Menyediakan Pengalaman Pelanggan yang Maksimal


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